Smart City Challenge #9

Creating your Own City Dashboard

Leads: CASA staff


CityDashboard is designed to be an at-a-glance view of eight cities around Great Britain. It combines official, observational and social media data into a single screen, the dashboard, which updates continuously as you watch it. There are two alternate views for each city – the map view shows point data in real-time, and the grid view is a more minimalistic view, showing a series of boxes that change colour and size based on the data they represent. Data includes weather (measurements, observations and forecasts), background count, tube line running, bike sharing station status, air quality measurements, mood, river levels, Twitter trends, featured tweets, traffic cameras, BBC local news stories and OpenStreetMap updates.

CityDashboard is accessed through a website – – and also supplies data to CASA’s London Data Table, Pigeon Sim, and potentially a number of other projects that are in the pipeline.  You can access the City Dashboard for London from here.

CityDashboard is a NeISS (National e-Infrastructure for Social Simulation) project funded by JISC.  It was developed at CASA by Oliver O’Brien and designed by Duncan Smith.

Aims of the Challenge

Learn how to build your own City Dashboard and modify the existing code to bring in information for another city or bring in other kinds of information. 

Skills/Interests Required for the Challenge

For this challenge we need individuals with programming skills.

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