The TALISMAN project is a continuation of other projects funded by the ESRC, in particular GENeSIS (in which a strong collaboration with the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) was forged) and MoSeS. Below is a list of publications that are relevant to TALISMAN, which were outputs from these projects.
The GENeSIS (Generative e-Social Science) project was funded by the ESRC and provides experimental conditions under which key policy initiatives can be tested on large-scale populations at the level of an individual. The modelling includes agent-based modelling and microsimulation coupled with powerful methods of visualization. The e-social science connection provides the infrastructure on which this type of modelling can take place. Outputs of relevance to TALISMAN that have been produced by CSAP members and as part of the GENeSIS project include:
Birkin M, Clarke G (2012) The enhancement of spatial microsimulation models using geodemographics, Annals of Regional Science, 49(2), 515-532.
Khawaldah H, Birkin M, Clarke G (2012) A review of two alternative retail impact assessment techniques: the case of silverburn in Scotland, Town Planning Review, 82 (2), 233-260.
Birkin M, Malleson N, Hudson-Smith A, Gray S, Milton R (2011) Calibration of a spatial interaction model with volunteered geographical information, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 25(8), 1221-1239.
Harland K, Heppenstall A, Smith D, Birkin M (2011) Creating realistic synthetic populations at various spatial scales: A comparative critique of population synthesis techniques, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation.
Malleson N, Birkin M (2012) Analysis of crime patterns through the integration of an agent-based model and a population microsimulation, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 36, 551-561.
Malleson N, Birkin M (2011) Towards a Victim-Oriented Crime Modelling in a Social Science e-Infrastructure, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 369, 3353-3371.
Malleson N, See L, Evans AJ, Heppenstall AJ (2012) Implementing comprehensive offender behaviour in a realistic agent-based model of burglary, Simulation, 88, 50-71. doi: 10.1177/0037549710384124.
Malleson N, Birkin M (2011) Analysis of Crime Patterns Through the Integration of An Agent-Based Model and a Population Microsimulation, Computers, Environment, Urban Systems, forthcoming.
Wu B, Birkin M, Rees P (2011) A dynamic microsimulation model with agent elements for spatial demographic forecasting, Social Science Computng Review, 29 (1), 145-160.
A Heppenstall, M Batty, A Crooks, L See (eds) (2012) Spatial Agent-based Models: Principles, Concepts and Applications. Springer.
MoSeS (Modelling and Simulation for e-Social Science) is a project that ran from 2005 until 2008 and was partially funded by the ESRC’s National Centre for e-Social Science (NCeSS). Its main aim was to build a ‘SimCity’ for real urban and regional systems and to illustrate the importance of e-social science in addressing academic and policy problems. In the domain of urban simulation modelling, MoSeS highlighted how e-social science frameworks could be powerfully utilised in the sharing and integration of remote data sources.
The project also sought to combine methodological advances within core social science domains (particularly geography) with the development and application of a sophisticated computational infrastructure for decision support systems using the latest technology for Grid computing. As a result, MoSeS highlighted advances, for example, in the creation of dynamic, real-time, individually-based demograhic forecast
ing models and in the use of hybrid agent-based simulations to articulate connections between indivdual level and structural change in social systems.
The following publications resulted from MoSeS and are a relevant to TALISMAN:
Birkin M, Heppenstall A (2008) Modelling spatial market dynamics with retail agents, in Bullock S, J Noble, R Watson and M Bedau (eds) (2008) Artificial Life XI: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Wu B, Birkin M, Rees P (2008) A spatial microsimulation model with student agents. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Vol 32 (6) 440-453.
Birkin M and Wu B (2008) Dynamic Social Simulation Models Enabled by e-Research, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on e-Social Science, Manchester, UK.
Birkin M, Turner A, Wu B (et al) (2007) An Architecture for Social Simulation Models to Support Spatial Planning, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on e-Social Science, Ann Arbor, USA.
Birkin M, Turner A, Wu B (2006) A Synthetic Demographic Model of the UK Population: Methods, Progress and Problems, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Social Science, National Centre for e-Social Science, Manchester, UK.
Birkin M, Clarke M, Chen H (et al) (2005) MoSeS: Modelling and Simulation for e-Social Science, Proceedings of the First International Conference on e-Social Science, National Centre for e-Social Science, Manchester, UK.