International Geographical Union (IGU), Regional Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel 13 to 18 May 2014
Nikolas Lomax, John Stillwell, Riley Marsden and Mark Birkin have had an abstract titled ‘Providing innovative access to services in the age of austerity’ accepted for the event. Stephen Clark, Alison Heppenstall and Mark Birkin have had an abstract accepted titled ‘Estimating the future local area demand for health care amongst the elderly’. Finally, Michael Thomas, John Stillwell and Myles Gould have had their abstract accepted, titled ‘Modelling the duration of residence and plans for future residential mobility: A multilevel analysis’.
An Introduction to Spatial Microsimulation Using R, Leeds, 8 to 9 May 2014
Spatial microsimulation is a statistical method by which individual-level data is generated for small areas by combining national surveys with geographically aggregated census data. Much has been written about the technique in academic journals, but there has been much less work explaining the practicalities of its implementation, generally, and its customisation for specific purposes. Journal articles have tended to present key results, but not the underlying code, therefore hindering reproducibility. This 1.5 day course, taught by Dr Robin Lovelace, fills this knowledge gap taking an explicitly practical and pragmatic approach to spatial microsimulation. Its aim is to allow attendees to harness spatial microsimulation for their own needs by providing example data and code. To this end the course uses R, a free, open source and extensible statistical language that is becoming the de facto standard for statistical analysis.
No prior knowledge in either R or spatial microsimulation is assumed: we will begin from first principles, using simple examples to ensure understanding of every step. Content too will be directed to participants’ needs; all teaching material will be provided with explanation of how to modify example code for tackling specific research problems.
For more information and to register visit:
GIS Research UK Conference (GISRUK), Glasgow, 16 to 18 April 2014
Robin Lovelace, Nick Malleson, Kirk Harland and Mark Birkin have had an abstract titled ‘Can social media data be useful in spatially modelling?: A case study of ‘museum tweets’ and a model of visitor flows’ accepted for this event.
Daytime Population Movements, Regional Conference, Leeds, March 2014
A one day workshop bringing together experts with an interest in short-term population movements within cities and regions. It will consider possible applications of new data and spatial analysis techniques within fields such as emergency planning, education and policing.
Using a MapTable in Collaborative Planning Workshops, Leeds, 23 Jan 2014
A one day workshop about how to use a MapTable in policy workshops to support multi-stakeholder planning processes. Dr Gustavo Arciniegas Lopez will be presenting at the workshop and will demonstrate not only how the MapTable works, but also how it can be applied in different planning contexts.