Before joining CASA in 2005, Richard Milton worked in UCL’s Computer Science department on an Equator e-Science project which used GPS tracked sensors carried by pedestrians and cyclists to measure carbon monoxide levels around the city. The project also involved the analysis and visualisation of the data using 2D and 3D representations. Prior to this, he worked for Criterion Software developing tools and plugins for 3DS Max and the Renderware 3D graphics engine. He also worked at the UK Meteorological Office for six years, developing weather visualisation systems.
While currently working on the TALISMAN project, Richard previously worked on GeoVUE and GENeSIS. He is the key developer on these projects, being responsible for the e-infrastructure, which is currently used for real-time web-based geospatial data visualisation. This infrastructure is currently used in the MapTube, SurveyMapper and Gemma websites.