CASA Relevant Publications

The TALISMAN project is a continuation of other projects funded by the ESRC, in particular GENeSIS (in which a strong collaboration with the Centre for Applied Spatial Analysis (CSAP) was forged) and GeoVUE. Below is a list of publications that are relevant to TALISMAN, which were outputs from these projects. A further set of publications that are relevant to TALISMAN are listed at the bottom of this page.


The GENeSIS (Generative e-Social Science) project was funded by the ESRC and provides experimental conditions under which key policy initiatives can be tested on large-scale populations at the level of an individual. The modelling includes agent-based modelling and microsimulation coupled with powerful methods of visualization. The e-social science connection provides the infrastructure on which this type of modelling can take place. The following outputs of relevance to TALISMAN that have been produced within the GENeSIS project include:

Batty, M. Carvalho, R., Hudson-Smith, A., Milton, R., Duncan Smith, D., and Steadman, P. (2008) Scaling and Allometry in the Building Geometries of Greater London. European Physical Journal B, 63, 303-318. A CASA Working Paper is available online.

Batty, M., Hudson-Smith, A., Milton, R. and Crooks, A. (2010) Map Mashups, Web 2.0 and the GIS Revolution. Annals of GIS, 16(1), 1-13.

Hudson-Smith, A., Crooks, A., Gibin, M., Milton, R., and Batty, M. (2009) NeoGeography and Web 2.0: Concepts, Tools and Applications. Journal of Location Based Services, 3, 118-145.

Hudson-Smith, A., Crooks, A., Milton, R., and Batty, M. (2009) Mapping for the Masses: Accessing Web 2.0 Through Crowdsourcing. Social Science Computer Review, 27, 4, 524-538. A CASA Working Paper is available online.

Lin, H. and Batty, M. (Editors) (2009) Virtual Geographic Environments. Science Press, Beijing, China, vi + 350 pp. Read more about this book on ESRI ArcNews online.

Stanilov, K. and Batty, M. (2011) Exploring the historical determinants of urban growth patterns through Cellular Automata. Transactions in GIS, 15(3), 253-271. A CASA Working Paper is available online.


The GeoVUE project ran from the beginning of 2006 until the end of 2010 as one of seven nodes in the National Centre for e-Social Science, which was tasked with developing new kinds of virtual urban environments (VUEs) using grid and web-based technologies with a particular focus on 2D/3D mapping and CAD. These VUEs were intended to help users further their understanding of cities as well as engaging in other forms of public participation. A number of publications were produced as part of the GeoVUE project that are relevant to TALISMAN, including:

Batty, M. (2008) Virtual Reality in GIS. In Wilson, J., and Fotheringham, A.S. (eds.) Handbook in Geographic Information Science, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.

Batty, M. (2006) Virtual London.  In Heywood, I., Cornelius, S. and Carver, S. (eds). An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems, Pearson Educational, Harlow, UK, 269-271.

Batty, M. and Hudson-Smith, A. (2007) Imagining the Recursive City : Explorations in Urban Simulacra. In H. J. Miller (ed.) Societies and Cities in the Age of Instant Access. Springer, New York.

Batty, M. and Hudson-Smith, A. (2006) Digital Cornucopias: Changing Conceptions of the Virtual City. Environment and  Planning B, 33, 799-802.

Batty, M. and Hudson-Smith, A. (2006) Urban Simulacra: From real to virtual cities, back and beyond. Architectural Design, 75(6), 42-47.

Batty, M. P. Steadman, P. and Xie, Y. (2006) Visualization in Spatial Modeling. In J. Portugali (ed.) Complex Artificial Environments, Springer, Berlin, 49-70.

Hudson-Smith, A., Evans, S. and Batty, M.   (2005) Virtual London: From CAD to 3D-GIS to global digital cities. In M-L. Chiu (ed.) Insights of Digital Cities, Archdata CAAD Talks 4, Taipei, Taiwan, 75-92.

Hudson-Smith, A., Evans, S., Batty, M. and Batty, S. (2005) Community Participation in Urban Regeneration using Internet Technologies. In: J.Hunt (ed.) London’s Environment: Prospects for a Sustainable World City, Imperial College Press, London, 221-240

Hudson-Smith, A., Evans, S. and Batty, M. (2005) Building the virtual city: Public participation through e-democracy. Knowledge Technology and Policy, 18, 62-85.

Milton, R. and Steed, A. (2007) Mapping Carbon Monoxide Using GPS Tracked Sensors. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 124(1-3), 1-19

Milton, R. and A. Steed, A. (2005) Correcting GPS readings from a tracked mobile sensor. In: T. Strang and C. Linnhoff-Popien (Eds.) Location and context-awareness: First International Workshop. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3479, 83-94.

Steed, A. and Milton, R. (2008) Using tracked mobile sensors to make maps of environmental effects. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 12(4), 331-342.

Other Publications of Relevance to TALISMAN

Below is a list of working papers that have been produced within CASA that are of relevance to TALISMAN:

Batty, M. (2011) Visually-Driven Urban Simulation: Exploring Fast and Slow Change in Residential Location. CASA Working Paper 164, CASA, UCL, London.

Batty, M. (2010) Visualising Space-Time Dynamics in Scaling Systems. CASA Working Paper 152, CASA, UCL, London.

Crooks, A. (2010) Using Geo-spatial Agent-Based Models for Studying Cities. CASA Working Paper 160, CASA, UCL, London.

Crooks, A., Hudson-Smith, A. and Patel, A. (2010) Building 3D Agent-Based Models for Urban Systems. CASA Working Paper 161, CASA, UCL, London.

Crooks, A. and Hudson-Smith, A. (2008) The Renaissance of Geographic Information: Neogeography, Gaming and Second Life. CASA Working Paper 142, CASA, UCL, London.

Dennet, A. (2012) Estimating flows between geographical locations: ‘get me started in’ spatial interaction modelling. CASA Working Paper 181, CASA, UCL, London.

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